5 Habits Of Successful People

Have you ever wondered what the habits of successful people are? What do they do differently that makes them so successful? One of the biggest factors is that are conscious-minded. They spend time thinking about what they want, how they will achieve their goals, and what systems they can put into place that will allow their success to build off of itself.

Living consciously and being successful truly go hand in hand. Living consciously gives you the ability to design the type of success you want to have, and have insight into how you will achieve that success. The definition of success and happiness varies from person to person, but there are some key habits that extremely happy and successful people all tend to have.

The part is these habits are things we can implement if we choose to. The BIG secret is simply to consciously choose too!

We can BE happy, and BE successful… but it’s up to each one of us as individuals to make the decision to become one or both of these.

Here are 5 habits of successful people that will get you there even faster:

Habits of Successful People

1. Surround Yourself With Other Happy and Successful People

The best thing about happiness is that it’s contagious. It spreads quickly and makes those around you feel great too. Success is very similar. Successful people build relationships with other successful people and create mutually beneficial partnerships.

Consider taking some time to assess or do an audit of the 5+ people you spend the majority of your time with. Ask yourself… Are they happy? Are they successful?

A note here: success does not necessarily mean rich or famous. Success is defined by you and is shown through making a positive impact on those around you and having pride and joy in what you do.

If the people around you are unhappy, unsuccessful, and going nowhere, it may be time to find a new social group. Look for those who make you feel good, inspire you to grow, and show you support and compassion.

Habits of Successful People

2. View Problems As Challenges

This is an extremely important habit to implement into your life. You will inevitably face numerous problems throughout your life. Some large, some small, but it’s a guarantee they will show up.

The trick is to take them on as challenges you can overcome rather than a setback or worse, something that stops you from growing altogether.

When faced with a “problem”… Now referred to as a challenge… take some time to assess it. Break it out into baby steps and take action to overcome it.

Habits of Successful People

3. Express Gratitude

Expressing gratitude is one of my favorite habits of successful people.

Why is it so important you might ask?

Because gratitude is the foundation of happiness. You cannot and will not feel deep, lasting happiness without learning to appreciate the wonders of the world, and the blessings you’ve already received.

… and when I saw wonders, I don’t mean just the 7 Wonders of the World. I mean the everyday little things that spark joy and happiness in your life. Those moments are what life is all about.

Habits of Successful People

4. Dream Big and Have A Growth Mindset

People who feel stuck are one of two things:

1.) Afraid of doing the thing they’ve always wanted to do, because they might fail or be judged, or don’t exactly know how they will go about accomplishing that thing they most want to do.


2.) They have been living on repeat for far too long and aren’t growing, learning, or engaging in inspiring activities.

The best way out of “being stuck” is to let your imagination run wild, dream big, make huge plans, and then take baby action steps until you have reached those goals.

Why baby steps?

Because big steps are scary and overwhelming. Baby steps are easy and achievable.

Prioritize Health

5. Take Care of Yourself

Food is medicine!
Exercise is energy!
Sleep is everything!
Mindfulness is clarity!

If you eat well, exercise daily, give yourself room to be calm, and rest well, you will become a happy, healthy, successful person. This last step is probably the most important one of the habits of successful people. They prioritize their health.

How Do I Become Successful?

Here is some homework for you to do, starting today to help you move closer to your vision of success:

Think about how you could implement one or two of the habits above into your daily routine.
+ Maybe start a gratitude journal.

+ Reach out to someone you admire and start up a conversation about a mutually appreciated topic.

+ Go for a brisk walk, or find a way to do 10 minutes of physical activity (that’s right for you).

+ Think about a hard time you’re facing and how you can see it as a challenge to overcome rather than a problem you have to face.


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