
…to Biohacking For Babes!

Biohacking isn’t just for boys; it’s a woman’s secret weapon for optimal health. Start your adventure toward ultimate health by diving into the world of biohacking and find a community of supportive friends along the way! At Biohacking For Babes, we combine cutting-edge scientific research and timeless holistic wisdom to unlock the most vibrant version of you and your health in simple, easy-to-implement strategies.

Hey Lady..

So glad you’re here!

I’m Nika Lawrie

… your guide and ally on this transformative journey towards unlocking the ultimate version of yourself. As a true believer in the power of biohacking to redefine what’s possible for women’s health and empowerment, I’ve dedicated my life to nurturing the full potential of ambitious women everywhere.

My journey into biohacking and holistic health was sparked by a dual major in Psychology and Strategic Communications, further enriched by certifications in Functional Nutrition, Integrative Nutrition, Health Coaching, Fitness Nutrition, Environmental Health, and Behavior Change. This multidisciplinary, yet closely linked, background has equipped me with a unique lens through which I view health and empowerment, emphasizing the need for a holistic and personalized approach to wellness.

For too long I’ve personally experienced and heard story after story of women looking for support from their doctors for their health struggles and not being listened to, being dismissed, or worse being, gaslit and told there is nothing wrong with them.

It’s time for a change!

At the core of my philosophy is the belief that biohacking is a game-changer for women wanting better health, without diets, fads, unsafe quick fixes, and not being heard in the traditional medical system. Biohacking is more than a practice; it’s a movement toward self-discovery, personal empowerment, and profound transformation inside and out.

By understanding the science behind our biology and leveraging strategies tailored to our unique physiological needs, we can achieve levels of health and vitality previously thought unattainable… and often with little to no major effort.

Join me in this exciting journey at Biohacking For Babes, where we’re not just improving lives—we’re redefining what it means to be healthy, empowered, and successful.

Let’s unlock your limitless potential together!

You may have seen me on:

Check out my free guides!


Mastering Mindset:

Unlock Your Potential for Health and Personal Empowerment


Mastering Wellness:

Transforming Your Life From Within



7-Days To Unleash Your Inner Potential

In need of inspiration on the go? Check out the…

INSPIRED with Nika Lawrie Podcast

“Inspired with Nika Lawrie,” is a transformative podcast dedicated to empowering women to take the reins of their lives, health, and destiny. Hosted by the insightful Nika Lawrie, this show is a treasure trove for anyone eager to explore the exciting realm of biohacking, but with a twist—it’s tailored specifically for women.


Personalized Health Mastery:

An enriched understanding of how to personalize their health regimen. The podcast offers in-depth knowledge on customizing diet, exercise, and wellness practices to fit the specific biological and hormonal needs of women, empowering listeners to craft their own health blueprint for optimal functioning.

Inspirational Stories of Impact:

A collection of motivational stories featuring lesser-known women who have made significant impacts on the world. These narratives not only serve as powerful testaments to female strength and perseverance but also inspire listeners to pursue their own goals and contribute positively to society.

Community and Kindness Focus:

A reminder of the importance of community support and the transformative power of acts of kindness. Each episode encourages listeners to engage in uplifting others, fostering a sense of solidarity and shared growth that extends beyond personal wellness to encompass community well-being.


Could the products you use every day silently affect your fertility? – Dr. Jenna Hua


Can hope and resilience truly shape the journey of recovery from Stage 3C cancer? – Matt Ode


How can your food be a powerful tool in recovering from a debilitating disease? – Josette Tkacik

Show off your Biohacking Babe pride!


Goal 1: Never lose sight of the impact we can have to improve the quality of life, one person at a time.


Goal 2: Establish an inclusive, supportive network, and global community of biohacking women.


Goal 3: Donate $1 million to our sister organization A Little Extra Love for acts of kindness.


Goal 4: Drive the development of cutting-edge technology that caters specifically to the needs of women.